Social Link Implementation \ Setup

You will first discover how to setup your database in order to store the user_token. That token uniquely identifies each user, allows you to recognize users that login using Social Login and can be used with our User API.

Then you will have to add a simple callback script to your system in order to retrieve the user's social network profile data and link that data to an existing account in your database.

In this part of our guide we are assuming that you have ...
  1. A database with a user table that has a row for each user.
    • Each user has a unique user identifier (Usually the primary key of the table).
  2. A profile page on your website.
    • Existing users can login, go to that page and update their own profile.

If the setup of your website is different, you should still be able to follow this guide, some sections may however not be relevant for you.

1. Add the required table to your database.

The setup for our Social Login and Social Link services is identical. If you have already implemented Social Login then you can skip the setup and straightway add Social Link to your users' profil page.

You first of all have to add a new table to your database. For MySQL you can use a table like in our example below. You may have to tweak it slightly if you represent your internal user identifiers differently.

-- Table Structure
CREATE TABLE `oneall_user` (
  `user_id` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,
  `user_token` CHAR(36) NOT NULL         
) ENGINE = InnoDB;

-- Table Indexes
ALTER TABLE `oneall_user`
  ADD PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`),
  ADD UNIQUE KEY `user_link` (`user_id`,`user_token`),
  ADD UNIQUE KEY `user_token` (`user_token`);

The user_id is the id that uniquely identifies user entries in your users table - feel free to rename the column at your convenience. The user_token uniquely identifies social network users, you will obtain it from our API after a user has connected with his social network account.

When you receive a user_token from our API, you can match it against this table to check whether the social network account is already linked to a user account in your proprietary system or not. If you find a match for the user_token, then you can use the user_id to lookup the user record in your users table.

2. Implement the functions to access the data storage.

You should add the following functions to your system. Please note that these are only examples, you have to implement them depending upon your own system and database.

Return the proprietary user_id linked to a given user_token

		 * Returns the proprietary user_id for user_token received by OneAll. 
		 * The goal is to check if there is an existing user account for a user_token received by OneAll.
		function get_user_id_for_user_token (user_token){
			// Example Query: SELECT user_id FROM oneall_user_token WHERE user_token = <user_token>
			// Return the user_id or null if none found.

Return the user_token linked to a given proprietary user_id

		 * Returns the OneAll user_token for a proprietary user_id.
		 * The goal is to check if the given user has already been linked to a OneAll user_token.
		function get_user_token_for_user_id (user_id){
			// Example Query: SELECT user_token FROM oneall_user_token WHERE user_id = <user_id>
			// Return the user_token or null if none found.

Create a link between a user_token an a proprietary user_id

		 * Links a OneAll user_token to a proprietary user_id.
		 * The goal is to store the user_token for a given user_id so that you can can recognize the user on subsequent logins.
		function link_user_token_to_user_id (user_token, user_id){
			// Example: INSERT INTO oneall_user_token SET user_token = <user_token>, user_id = <user_id>

3. Create a basic callback script.

After the authentication with a social network, the OneAll API redirects the user to your callback script and includes a connection_token as POST data. That token can then be used to retrieve the user's social network profile data.

Now create a file with the code below on your server:


		// Check if we have received a connection_token
		if ( ! empty ($_POST['connection_token']))
		  echo "Connection token received: ".$_POST['connection_token'];
		  echo "No connection token received";

Once you have created the file, you should be able to open it in your browser and you should see the message No connection token received. Please keep the complete URL that points to this file handy as it will be used during the next steps of the guide. In the setup guide the link to this file is called callback_uri.

Your database should now be ready and you should have setup a basic version of the callback script.

Next Step - Profile Page

User Contributed Notes