Single Sign-On Implementation

Learn how to deploy Single Sign-On in order to automatically sign in your users as they browse between multiple and independent websites in your ecosystem. Take away the need for your users to re-enter their authentication credentials when they switch from one of your websites to another.

Implementation Guide
  1. Single Sign-On \ Setup
    • Add the required table to your database,
    • Implement the functions to work with the users table,
    • Implement the functions to work with the identitites table,
    • Create a basic callback script.
  2. Single Sign-On \ Backend Integration
    • Synchronize your users' data whenever it changes,
    • Start a new Single Sign-On session whenever a user logs in,
    • Destroy the Single Sign-On session whenever a user logs out.
  3. Single Sign-On \ Frontend Integration
    • Include our JavaScript library,
    • Include the Single Sign-On JavaScript.
  4. Single Sign-On \ Login & Registration
    • Register new and login existing users on the fly,
    • Make a final test.

For a quicker integration we also offer turnkey plugins for popular content management systems like per example Drupal, Joomla or WordPress. You could per example follow the implementation guide to add Single Sign-On to your website, and use our plugin for WordPress to create an SSO network between your website and blog.

User Contributed Notes