User API \ Import a user by using an external token PHP SDK
Resource/URI | GET | POST | PUT | DELETE |
Users /users.json
List all users | – | Import access token | – |
User /users/<user_token>.json
Retrieve user details | – | – | Delete user |
User /users/<user_token>/contacts.json
Read contacts | – | – | – |
User /users/<user_token>/publish.json
– | Publish on social networks | – | – |
Request: the code to send to the API
Send an API request to the following endpoint in order to create a new or update an existing user record based on the data provided by an access or JSON web token received from a social network.
This endpoint can be used to migrate existing user records to OneAll or to import users that login with the native SDK of a social network on a mobile device. The endpoint requires no authentication so that it can be implemented in mobile applications without having to store the public/private keys of your OneAll site on the device.
Import using an access_token
The OneAll API will use the access token to retrieve the user's data from the given social network and then either create a new user record or update the existing record in your OneAll site.
Import using a JWT/id_token
The OneAll API will decrypt and validate the JWT and then either create a new user record or update the existing record in your OneAll site.
data to include in the request
{ "request": { "user": { "user_token": "#user_token#", "identity": { "source": { "key": "#provider_key#", "access_token": { "key": "#access_token_key#", "secret": "#access_token_secret#" }, "id_token": { "value": "#id_token_value#" } } } } } }
Key | Description |
#user_token# |
An optional user_token to link the imported social network profile to. Example: 24f6eaef-7537-45b3-bf4c-0c2a772bdee4 |
* #provider_key# |
The key of the social network from which the token originates. Example: facebook |
Import using an access_token | |
* #access_token_key# |
The user's access token as received from the social network. Example: CAABwiWr8tH8BAGKCYOIgoMwJ9T0ZAmJ6KJJNcUjzmftdAOC [...] |
#access_token_secret# |
The user's access token secret as received from the social network. Example: T0OzJdwrUy3arA8kqZTTkYDkLPI3WRppmJ6KJJNcUjzmftdAOC [...] |
Import using a JWT/id_token | |
* #id_token_value# |
The user's JWT/id_token as received from the social network. Example: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6ICJ9.eyJ...KxwRJSM2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c |
Result: the code returned by the API
If the given token is valid, the API will return the details of the created/updated user record. The identity node represents the imported social network profile data. Depending on the social network, more or less information is available.
The API may return one of the following HTTP status codes:
- 201: There was no user for the given token and a new user record has been created.
- 200: There was already a user for the given token and the exisiting user record has been updated.
- ???: In any other case an error has occured
Example for a record created using a Google access token:
{ "response": { "request": { "date": "Wed, 05 Dec 2018 09:48:36 0100", "resource": "/users.json", "status": { "flag": "success", "code": 200, "info": "Your request has been processed successfully" } }, "result": { "data": { "user": { "user_token": "6dcd7aac-bb99-442b-ad53-9c28bd3f349a", "identity": { "identity_token": "13798415-7d5b-4b80-902e-4289278b8046", "date_creation": "Fri, 08 Feb 2013 22:07:46 0100", "date_last_update": "Wed, 05 Dec 2018 09:48:36 0100", "provider": "google", "provider_identity_uid": "PIU24E1073E581F3D57C7BAFD7A4DB55085", "source": { "name": "Google", "key": "google", "access_token": { "key": "xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx", "date_expiration": "05/04/2015 14:06:08" }, "refresh_token": { "key": "yyyy.yyyy.yyyy.yyyy.yyyy.yyyy.yyyy" } }, "id": "", "displayName": "John Doe", "name":{ "formatted": "John Doe", "givenName": "John", "familyName": "Doe" }, "preferredUsername": "John Doe", "profileUrl": "", "pictureUrl": "", "gender": "male", "emails": [ { "value": "", "is_verified": true } ], "urls": [ { "value": "", "type": "profile" } ], "accounts": [ { "domain": "", "userid": "123456789012345678901" } ], "photos": [ { "value": "", "size": "3:S" }, { "value": "", "size": "4:M" }, { "value": "", "size": "5:L" } ], "languages": [ { "value": "English" } ], "locales": [ { "value": "en", "description": "English" } ], "relationship": { "status": "Married" } }, "identities": [ { "identity_token": "13798415-7d5b-4b80-902e-4289278b8046", "provider": "google" }, { "identity_token": "8d78418f-20c2-47de-af29-27514de6c7ce", "provider": "facebook" } ] } } } } }