JavaScript API Events

Our JavaScript API supports client-side handling of custom events. By using events you can execute a JavaScript function whenever a user performs an action of your choice (i.e. login with Facebook). You can register your own event handlers by using the set_event method. By using the add_event method, you can register many event handlers for the same event.

Event Setup

Example for the set_event method

<script type="text/javascript">

	/* Initialise the asynchronous queue */
	var _oneall = _oneall || [];
	/* Define your function */
	var my_function = function ()
		alert("Widget Loaded")
	/* Have it triggered by an event */
	_oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_event', 'on_widget_loaded', my_function]);

	/* Rendering the widget in order to trigger the event*/
	_oneall.push(['social_login', 'do_render_ui', 'social_login_signin']);

Example for the add_event method

<script type="text/javascript">

	/* Initialise the asynchronous queue */
	var _oneall = _oneall || [];

	/* Define your function */
	var my_function_1 = function ()
		alert("First call")

	var my_function_2 = function ()
		alert("Second call")

	/* Have it triggered by an event */
	_oneall.push(['social_login', 'add_event', 'on_widget_loaded', my_function_1]);
	_oneall.push(['social_login', 'add_event', 'on_widget_loaded', my_function_2]);

	/* Rendering the widget in order to trigger the event*/
	_oneall.push(['social_login', 'do_render_ui', 'social_login_signin']);


Available Events


This event is fired after a widget (e.g. Social Login or LoudVoice) has been rendered.

		<scope> : string (social_login, social_link, loudvoice)
		<function> : JavaScript function to be executed
	_oneall.push([<scope>, 'set_event', 'on_widget_loaded', <function>]);

	/* Example */
	var my_function = function (args)
		// Name of the event
		console.log (args.event);
		// Name of the service
		console.log (args.service);
		// Reference to the DOM element of the widget
		console.log (args.widget);

	_oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_event', 'on_widget_loaded', my_function]);


This event is fired when a modal dialog is opened.

		<scope> : string (social_login)
		<function> : JavaScript function to be executed
	_oneall.push([<scope>, 'set_event', 'on_open_popup_ui', <function>]);

	/* Example */
	var my_function = function (args)
		// Name of the event
		console.log (args.event);
		// Name of the service
		console.log (args.service);

	_oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_event', 'on_open_popup_ui', my_function]);


This event is fired when a modal dialog is closed by the user.

		<scope> : string (social_login)
		<function> : JavaScript function to be executed
	_oneall.push([<scope>, 'set_event', 'on_close_popup_ui', <function>]);

	/* Example */
	var my_function = function (args)
		// Name of the event
		console.log (args.event);
		// Name of the service
		console.log (args.service);

	_oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_event', 'on_close_popup_ui', my_function]);


This event is fired when the user is prompted to enter additional information (e.g. his OpenID identifier when connecting with OpenId).

		<scope> : string (social_login, social_link)
		<function> : JavaScript function to be executed
	_oneall.push([<scope>, 'set_event', 'on_open_login_data_dialog', <function>]);

	/* Example */
	var my_function = function (args)
		// Name of the event
		console.log (args.event);
		// Name of the service
		console.log (args.service);
		// Reference to the DOM element of the widget
		console.log (args.widget);
		// Name of the social network
		console.log (;
		// Key of the social network
		console.log (args.provider.key);	

	_oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_event', 'on_open_login_data_dialog', my_function]);


This event is fired when the dialog to request additional information is closed by the user.

		<scope> : string (social_login, social_link)
		<function> : JavaScript function to be executed
	_oneall.push([<scope>, 'set_event', 'on_close_login_data_dialog', <function>]);

	/* Example */
	var my_function = function (args)
		// Name of the event
		console.log (args.event);
		// Name of the service
		console.log (args.service);
		// Reference to the DOM element of the widget
		console.log (args.widget);
		// Name of the social network
		console.log (;
		// Key of the social network
		console.log (args.provider.key);	

	_oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_event', 'on_close_login_data_dialog', my_function]);


This event is fired when a user clicks on a social network icon to start the authentication process.

		<scope> : string (social_login, social_link)
		<function> : JavaScript function to be executed
	_oneall.push([<scope>, 'set_event', 'on_login_begin', <function>]);

	/* Example */
	var my_function = function (args)
		// Name of the event
		console.log (args.event);
		// Name of the service
		console.log (args.service);
		// Reference to the DOM element of the widget
		console.log (args.widget);
		// Name of the social network
		console.log (;
		// Key of the social network
		console.log (args.provider.key);	

	_oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_event', 'on_login_begin', my_function]);


This event is fired after the user has (successfully nor not) completed the authentication with a social network.

		<scope> : string (social_login, social_link)
		<function> : JavaScript function to be executed
	_oneall.push([<scope>, 'set_event', 'on_login_end', <function>]);

	/* Example */
	var my_function = function(args)
		// Name of the event
		console.log (args.event);
		// Name of the service
		console.log (args.service);
		// Reference to the DOM element of the widget
		console.log (args.widget);
		// Name of the social network
		console.log (;
		// Key of the social network
		console.log (args.provider.key);	
		// Status of the connection
		console.log (args.connection.status);
		// Used connection_token
		console.log (args.connection.connection_token);
		// Used user_token
		console.log (args.connection.user_token);			

	_oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_event', 'on_login_end', my_function]);


This event is similar to on_login_end but only fired if the authentication process is completed successfully.


This event is similar to on_login_end but only fired if an error occurs during the authentication process.


This event is similar to on_login_end but only fired if the user cancels the authentication process.


This event is fired after on_login_end but before redirecting the user to your callback_uri. You can abort the redirection to the callback scriptby having this function return false.

		<scope> : string (social_login, social_link)
		<function> : JavaScript function to be executed
	_oneall.push([<scope>, 'set_event', 'on_login_end', <function>]);

	/* Example */
	var my_function = function (args)
		// Name of the event
		console.log (args.event);
		// Name of the service
		console.log (args.service);
		// Reference to the DOM element of the widget
		console.log (args.widget);
		// Name of the social network
		console.log (;
		// Key of the social network
		console.log (args.provider.key);	
		// Status of the connection
		console.log (args.connection.status);
		// Used connection_token
		console.log (args.connection.connection_token);
		// Used user_token
		console.log (args.connection.user_token);			
		// Callback URI to which the user will be redirected
		console.log (args.callback_uri);	

	_oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_event', 'on_login_redirect', my_function]);


This event is fired after the user has successfully logged out.

		<scope> : string (loudvoice)
		<function> : JavaScript function to be executed
	_oneall.push([<scope>, 'set_event', 'on_logout_end_success', <function>]);

	/* Example */
	var my_function = function (args)
		// Name of the event
		console.log (args.event);

		// Name of the service
		console.log (args.service);

		// Reference to the DOM element of the widget
		console.log (args.widget);

		// Request status
		console.log (args.status);

		// Request status as string
		console.log (args.reason);

	_oneall.push(['loudvoice', 'set_event', 'on_logout_end_success', my_function]);


This event is fired after the user has addded a new comment.

		<scope> : string (loudvoice)
		<function> : JavaScript function to be executed
	_oneall.push([<scope>, 'set_event', 'on_comment_added', <function>]);

	/* Example */
	var my_function = function (args)
		// Name of the event
		console.log (args.event);

		// Reference to the DOM element of the widget
		console.log (args.widget);

		// Author token
		console.log (args.author_token);

		// Comment token
		console.log (args.comment_token);

		// Discussion token
		console.log (args.discussion_token);

	_oneall.push(['loudvoice', 'set_event', 'on_comment_added', my_function]);

User Contributed Notes