JavaScript API Methods \ Single Sign-On

Automatically sign users in as they browse between multiple and independent websites in your eco-system or among partner sites. Share user data between multiple websites on different domains and take away the need for your users to register new accounts or re-enter their authentication credentials on each of your websites.

The Single Sign-On implementation guide is available here.


This method has to be called on every page and only for users that are logged in into your website.

Calling this method will set a cookie with the Single Sign-On session token for the user that is currently browsing your website. By doing so the Single Sign-On service will be able to recognize the user when he switches from one of your websites to another. A new sso_session_token can be generated using our API.

    // Registers a new Single Sign-On session for the current user. 
    _oneall.push(['single_sign_on', 'do_register_sso_session', <sso_session_token>, <force_cookie>]);
      <sso_session_token> : string, required 
      The value must be a sso_session_token generated by the OneAll API.
      <force_cookie> : boolean, optional, defaults to false 
      Per default the cookie is set only once. Set to true to set the cookie on each pageview.    


This method has to be called on every page and only for users that are not logged in into your website.

When calling this method, Single Sign-On will try to recognize the person that is currently browsing your website and redirect that user to the specified callback_uri if there is an active Single Sign-On session.

    // Checks if the user has a Single Sign-On cookie and redirects him to the callback uri if it's the case.
    _oneall.push(['single_sign_on', 'do_check_for_sso_session', <callback_uri>, <relogin_same_domain>]);
      <callback_uri> : string, required
      A full URL to the callback script on your server.
      <relogin_same_domain> : boolean, optional, defaults to true
      Set to false to redirect the user only once per domain.


When calling this method, Single Sign-On will try to recognize the person that is currently browsing your website and launch the given function if there is an active Single Sign-On session.

    // Checks if the user has a Single Sign-On cookie and executes the given function if it's the case.
    _oneall.push(['single_sign_on', 'do_event_for_sso_session', <event>, <relogin_same_domain>]);
      <event> : JavaScript function, required
      The function that will be executed. 

      Example - the session data is available as first argument: 
      var event = function(data) {
      <relogin_same_domain> : boolean, optional, defaults to true
      Set to false to execute the function only once per user per domain.


By default, users that have logged in on one of your websites will automatically be logged in on all of your websites that are using the Single Sign-On service. By using a realm you change this behavior and subdivide your websites into groups.

Users logging in on a website in a given realm will automatically be logged in when they vist another website that is part the same (or a dependent) realm, but not when visiting a different realm.

    // Defines the realm of the current Single Sign-On session.
    _oneall.push(['single_sign_on', 'set_sso_realm', <top_realm>, <sub_realm>]);
    <top_realm> : string, required
    This is the primary Single Sign-On group.

    <sub_realm> : string, optional
    This is the secondary Single Sign-On group. It can be used to subdivide the top realm.
      Users that have per example logged in on ...
      ... the realm ['fruits'] will also be logged in on the realm ['fruits', 'apples'] or ['fruits', 'oranges'] 
      ... the realm ['fruits', 'apples'] will not be logged in on the realm ['fruits', 'oranges'] 
      ... the realm ['fruits', 'apples'] will be logged in on the realm ['fruits'] 


By using this method you can enable the Single Sign-On debugging mode. If enabled, Single Sign-On will write informational messages on how it processes the data to the browser's console.

Default: false

    // Enables or disables the debugging mode.
    _oneall.push(['single_sign_on', 'set_debug', <enabled>]);
    <enabled> : boolean (true, false)
    Enables or disables the debugging mode.

User Contributed Notes