Update API \ Update a YouTube playlist

Facebook · Page Post /update/identities/<identity_token>/facebook/page/<pageid>/post/<postid>.json Update Page Post Delete Page Post
Facebook · Page Picture /update/identities/<identity_token>/facebook/page/<pageid>/picture/<pictureid>.json - Delete Page Picture
Facebook · Page Video /update/identities/<identity_token>/facebook/page/<pageid>/video/<videoid>.json - Delete Page Video
Pinterest · Pin /update/identities/<identity_token>/pinterest/pin/<pinid>.json Delete Pin
Twitter · Tweet /update/identities/<identity_token>/twitter/post/<postid>.json - Delete Tweet
YouTube · Channel Section /update/identities/<identity_token>/youtube/channel/section/<channel_sectionid>.json Update Channel Section Delete Channel Section
YouTube · Playlist /update/identities/<identity_token>/youtube/playlist/<playlistid>.json Update Playlist Delete Playlist
YouTube · Playlist Video /update/identities/<identity_token>/youtube/playlist/<playlistid>/video/<videoid>.json - Delete Playlist Video


Request: the code to send to the API

Send an API request to the following endpoint to update a YouTube playlist:

PUT /update/identities/<identity_token>/youtube/playlist/<playlistid>.json

The <identity_token> is obtained whenever one of your users connects using YouTube. The <playlistid> must be part of the playlist that the identity is currently configured to be an administrator of.

In order to use this endpoint the permissions Manage Videos, Manage Account and Account Access must be enabled in the YouTube settings in your OneAll account .

PUT data to include in the request

      "request": {
        "update": {
          "playlist": {
            "title": "#title#",
            "description": "#description#",
            "privacy_status": "#privacy_status#", 
            "default_language": "#default_language#"
Key Description
*#title# The playlist's title.
Example: My PlayList
#description# The playlist's description.
Example: Awesome Mix 1
#privacy_status# The playlist's privacy status. Valid values for this property are: private, public or unlisted.
#default_language# The language of the text in the playlist. Example: FR

Result: the code returned by the API

The API either returns a HTTP status code 200 if the playlist was updates successfully or an appropriate message body with further details on the error that occured.

Resultset Example

  "response": {
    "request": {
      "date": "Wed, 24 Feb 2020 11:17:54 +0100",
      "resource": "/update/identities/555052e9-1c89-42eb-ad05-38e2dd2020db/youtube/playlist/AAAAAAAtEWTLccZoR8bfFVIkVC54ZtlaJ2.json",
      "status": {
        "flag": "success",
        "code": 200,
        "info": "The playlist has successfully been updated."

User Contributed Notes