Pull API \ Retrieve the reactions on a post published on a Facebook page

Resource/URI GET
Facebook · Retrieve a user's likes /pull/identities/<identity_token>/facebook/likes.json Retrieve Likes
Facebook · Retrieve a user's posts /pull/identities/<identity_token>/facebook/posts.json Retrieve Posts
Facebook · Retrieve a user's groups /pull/identities/<identity_token>/facebook/groups.json Retrieve Groups
Facebook · Retrieve a user's group posts /pull/identities/<identity_token>/facebook/group/<pageid>/posts.json Retrieve Group Posts
Facebook · Retrieve a user's pages /pull/identities/<identity_token>/facebook/pages.json Retrieve Pages
Facebook · Retrieve a user's page posts /pull/identities/<identity_token>/facebook/page/<pageid>/posts.json Retrieve Page Posts
Facebook · Retrieve a user's page post reactions /pull/identities/<identity_token>/facebook/page/<pageid>/posts.json Retrieve Page Post Reactions
LinkedIn · Retrieve a user's posts /pull/identities/<identity_token>/linkedin/user/posts.json Retrieve User Posts
LinkedIn · Retrieve a user's companies /pull/identities/<identity_token>/linkedin/companies.json Retrieve Companies
LinkedIn · Retrieve a user's company posts /pull/identities/<identity_token>/linkedin/company/<companyid>/posts.json Retrieve Company Posts
LinkedIn · Retrieve a post /pull/identities/<identity_token>/linkedin/post.json Retrieve Post
LinkedIn · Retrieve post comments /pull/identities/<identity_token>/linkedin/post/comments.json Retrieve Post Comments
Pinterest · Retrieve a user's boards /pull/identities/<identity_token>/pinterest/boards.json Retrieve Boards
Pinterest · Retrieve a user's board pins /pull/identities/<identity_token>/pinterest/board/<boardid>/pins.json Retrieve Board Pins
Steam · Retrieve a user's games /pull/identities/<identity_token>/steam/games.json Retrieve Games
TikTok · Retrieve videos information /pull/identities/<identity_token>/tiktok/videos.json Retrieve Videos
Twitch · Retrieve all broadcaster's subscriptions /pull/identities/<identity_token>/twitch/broadcaster/subscriptions.json Retrieve Broadcaster's subscriptions
Twitch · Retrieve channels information /pull/identities/<identity_token>/twitch/channels.json Retrieve Channels
Twitch · Retrieve clips information /pull/identities/<identity_token>/twitch/clips.json Retrieve Clips
Twitch · Retrieve games information /pull/identities/<identity_token>/twitch/games.json Retrieve Games
Twitch · Retrieve most viewed games /pull/identities/<identity_token>/twitch/games/top.json Retrieve Top Games
Twitch · Retrieve live streams /pull/identities/<identity_token>/twitch/streams.json Retrieve Streams
Twitch · Retrieve users information /pull/identities/<identity_token>/twitch/users.json Retrieve Users
Twitch · Retrieve follow relationships between two users /pull/identities/<identity_token>/twitch/users/follow.json Retrieve Users Follows
Twitch · Retrieve videos information /pull/identities/<identity_token>/twitch/videos.json Retrieve Videos
Twitter · Retrieve a user's followers /pull/identities/<identity_token>/twitter/followers.json Retrieve Followers
Twitter · Retrieve a user's followings /pull/identities/<identity_token>/twitter/followings.json Retrieve Followings
Twitter · Retrieve a user's tweets /pull/identities/<identity_token>/twitter/tweets.json Retrieve Tweets
Twitter · Retrieve a user /pull/identities/<identity_token>/twitter/user.json Retrieve User
YouTube · Retrieve a user's channels /pull/identities/<identity_token>/youtube/channels.json Retrieve Channels
YouTube · Retrieve a user's playlists /pull/identities/<identity_token>/youtube/playlists.json Retrieve Playlists
YouTube · Retrieve a user's playlist videos /pull/identities/<identity_token>/youtube/playlist/<playlistid>/videos.json Retrieve Playlist Videos
YouTube · Retrieve a user's channel sections /pull/identities/<identity_token>/youtube/channel/sections.json Retrieve Channel Sections


Request: the code to send to the API

Send an API request to this endpoint to retrieve the user reactions on a post published on a Facebook page:

GET /pull/identities/<identity_token>/facebook/page/<page_id>/post/<post_id>/reactions.json

The <identity_token> is obtained whenever one of your users connects using Facebook. The <page_id> must be part of the pages that the identity is currently configured to be an administrator of. The <post_id> must correspond to the identifier of a post shared on the same page.

The following URL parameters can optionally be used with this endpoint:

URL Parameter Description
Select the type of reaction to nclude in the resultset. The valid values are : LIKE, LOVE, WOW, HAHA, SAD or ANGRY
Default: NONE
Indicates how many reatcions should be included in the resultset. The valid range is between 1 an 200.
Default: 50
Indicates the page that should be retrieved. To paginate the resultset, simply start with page 1 and make subsequent requests to this endpoint while incrementing the page number with each call.
Default: 1

In order to use this endpoint the permission Manage Pages (manage_pages) must be enabled in the Facebook settings in your OneAll account and the user must have granted that permission when he logged in with Facebook.

Result: the code returned by the API

Response Example

  "response": {
    "request": {
      "date": "Fri, 17 Jan 2020 09:04:33  0100",
      "resource": "/pull/identities/2dbac3f7-0bd8-4e75-8def-7de12851b348/facebook/page/213995091781405/post/1545178045/reactions.json?num_reactions=5&page=1",
      "status": {
        "flag": "success",
        "code": 200,
        "info": "Your request has been processed successfully"
    "result": {
      "data": {
        "count": 2,
        "total_reactions": 39,
        "entries": [
            "user_id": "10216617594006061",
            "user_name": "John Doe",            
            "type": "LOVE"
            "user_id": "2325251151156",
            "user_name": "Sarah Connor",            
            "type": "ANGRY"

User Contributed Notes