Identity API \ Link an identity to another user PHP SDK

Identities /identities.json List all identities
Identity /identities/<identity_token>.json Read identity details Delete identity
Identity /identities/<identity_token>/link.json ReLink identity
Identity /identities/<identity_token>/synchronize.json Synchronize identity
Identity /identities/<identity_token>/contacts.json Read identity contacts
Resource/URI - Provider Specific GET POST PUT DELETE
Steam Games /identities/<identity_token>/steam/games.json List all Steam games
Facebook Posts /identities/<identity_token>/facebook/posts.json List all Facebook posts


Request: the code to send to the API

Send a PUT request to the resource /identities/<identity_token>/link.json and include the structure below as POST data in order to relink an existing identity to a different user. The <identity_token> has to be replaced by the unique token of an existing identity.

POST data to include in your request

					"user_token": "#user_token#"
Key Description
* #user_token# The user_token of the new user to link the identity to.
Example: 5360232a-d9ca-4433-8128-44a9e1d9cec3

Result: the code returned by the API

If the operation was successful, an updated list of the user's identities and a HTTP status code 200 will be returned. In case of an error, an appropriate message body with further details on the error that occured will be included in the result.

Example Resultset

  "response": {
    "request": {
      "date": "Tue, 02 May 2017 15:27:08  0200",
      "resource": "/identities/b0ff3bde-608c-4209-9feb-f3971fd0aed8/link.json",
      "status": {
        "flag": "success",
        "code": 200,
        "info": "Your request has been processed successfully"
    "result": {
      "status": {
        "flag": "success",
        "code": 200,
        "info": "The identity has successfully been linked to the specified user"
      "data": {
          "user_token": "b456365a-d259-47c6-a72a-0f012f9dab84",
          "identities": [
              "identity_token": "a0c1665a-7631-4539-ac9c-b138a37354f7",
              "provider": "paypal"
              "identity_token": "431b4b29-27bc-4db9-8a68-c2f8abdb6bfe",
              "provider": "foursquare"
              "identity_token": "5da337eb-1f4e-4421-90f7-9683c1a92507",
              "provider": "disqus"
              "identity_token": "b0ff3bde-608c-4209-9feb-f3971fd0aed8",
              "provider": "vkontakte"

User Contributed Notes