Identity API \ Delete an identity PHP SDK

Identities /identities.json List all identities
Identity /identities/<identity_token>.json Read identity details Delete identity
Identity /identities/<identity_token>/link.json ReLink identity
Identity /identities/<identity_token>/synchronize.json Synchronize identity
Identity /identities/<identity_token>/contacts.json Read identity contacts
Resource/URI - Provider Specific GET POST PUT DELETE
Steam Games /identities/<identity_token>/steam/games.json List all Steam games
Facebook Posts /identities/<identity_token>/facebook/posts.json List all Facebook posts


Request: the code to send to the API

Send a DELETE request to the resource /identities/<identity_token>.json to immediately delete an identity. The <identity_token> has to be replaced by the unique token of an existing identity.

To prevent you from unintentionally deleting an entry by mixing up the DELETE/GET methods you have to include the url parameter confirm_deletion=true in your DELETE requests. If you omit this parameter, the entry will not be removed and an error will be thrown.

Result: the code returned by the API

The API will either return a HTTP status code 200 if the entry was successfully deleted or an appropriate message body with further details on the error that occured.

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