User Cloud Storage API \ Synchronize a user PHP SDK

Create a new user. /storage/users.json Create
Update an existing user. /storage/users/<user_token>.json Update
Synchronize a new or existing user. /storage/users/user/synchronize.json Synchronize
Authenticate an existing user. /storage/users/user/lookup.json Authenticate


Request: the code to send to the API

Send a PUT request with the following POST data to the endpoint /storage/users/user/synchronize.json to synchronize the user data in your OneAll cloud storage with the user profile stored in your own database.

This endpoint will either update the corresponding user or create a new user record on the fly.

POST data to include in your request

  "request": {
    "synchronize": {
      "identifier": {
          "field": "#field#",    
          "value": "#value#"
      "user": {
        "externalid": "#externalid#",
        "login": "#login#",
        "password": "#password#",
        "identity" : {
Key Description
Unique identifier
If the API finds a user record based on the field/value combination, then that record will be updated. If no match can be found, then a new user record is created on the fly.
* #field# Denotes the field that uniquely identifies the user.
Possible values are user_token, externalid and login.
Example: externalid
* #value# Denotes the value of the field that uniquely identifies the user.
Example: 100000001
User Data
#externalid# Your own user identifier. It must be unique amongst all stored users.
Only specify this property if you want to update it.
Example: extid1
#login# The user's login. It must to be unique amongst all stored users.
Only specify this property if you want to update it.
Example: john.doe
#password# The user's password. We apply a one-way hashing algorithm to all stored passwords.
Only specify this property if you want to update it.
Example: 12345678
identity \ * All additional user information is stored in a storage identity attached to the user node.
Please refer to the following page for a complete list of possible values for the identity node.

Result: the code returned by the API

The API returns either HTTP status code 200 (identity updated) or 201 (identity created), indicating a successful request, or another status code, indicating an error in the request.

Example Resultset

	  "response": {
	    "request": {
	      "date": "Thu, 29 Oct 2015 16:11:58  0100",
	      "resource": "/storage/users/2eaf5d01-8244-44b9-878d-9e83073c45e0.json",
	      "status": {
	        "flag": "success",
	        "code": 200,
	        "info": "Your request has been processed successfully"
	    "result": {
	      "data": {
	        "user": {
	          "user_token": "2eaf5d01-8244-44b9-878d-9e83073c45e0",
	          "externalid": 1,
	          "login": "",      
	          "date_creation": "Thu, 29 Oct 2015 16:11:57  0100",
	          "date_last_update": "Thu, 29 Oct 2015 16:11:57  0100",
	          "num_logins": 0,
	          "identity": {
	            "identity_token": "99859d8c-6422-4c47-8b5b-40928e36dbea",
	            "date_creation": "Thu, 29 Oct 2015 16:11:57  0100",
	            "date_last_update": "Thu, 29 Oct 2015 16:11:57  0100",
	            "provider": "storage",
	              "name": "Cloud Storage",
	              "key": "storage"
	            "id": "/external/1",
	            "gender": "male"

User Contributed Notes