LoudVoice API \ Author Sessions \ Delete a session

Resource/URI - Discussions GET POST PUT DELETE
Discussions /loudvoice/discussions.json List all discussions Create a discussion
Discussion /loudvoice/discussions/<discussion_token>.json Read a discussion Update a discussion Delete a discussion
Discussion messages /loudvoice/comments/<discussion_token>/comments.json Read discussion comments
Resource/URI - Authors GET POST PUT DELETE
Authors /loudvoice/authors.json List all authors Create an author
Author /loudvoice/authors/<author_token>.json Read an author Update an author Delete an author
Resource/URI - Author Sessions GET POST PUT DELETE
Author Sessions /loudvoice/authors/sessions.json List all sessions Create or update a session
Author Session /loudvoice/authors/sessions/<session_token>.json Delete a session
Resource/URI - Comments GET POST PUT DELETE
Comments /loudvoice/comments.json List all comments Create a comment
Comment /loudvoice/comments/<comment_token>.json Read a comment Update a comment Delete a comment
Votes /loudvoice/votes.json List all
Vote /loudvoice/votes/comments/<comment_token>/authors/<author_token>.json Read a vote Cast a vote Delete a vote


Request: the code to send to the API

Send a DELETE request to the resource /loudvoice/authors/sessions/<author_session_token>.json to immediately delete a session. The <author_session_token> has to be replaced by the unique token of an existing session.

To prevent you from unintentionally deleting an entry by mixing up the DELETE/GET methods you have to include the url parameter confirm_deletion=true when calling this endpoint.

Please note that sessions are also removed automatically once their expiration date has been reached.

Result: the code returned by the API

The API will either return a HTTP status code 200 if the entry was successfully deleted or an appropriate message body with further details on the error that occured.

User Contributed Notes